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Theme Parks, Spiritual Centers, Churches
Architectural Exam & Professional Services
Seminars, Workshops, Tele-Seminars, Tutoring,
Materials, Consultation, etc.
Architectural Energy Assessments
Walk through assessments & recommendations for savings of up to
1,000,000.00 or more per year (Theme Parks, School Campus, Large Corporations)
(Professor Boardway assisted in organizing California Energy Commission in 1978)
(Removing the Physical & Mental Blocks; Exams, Profession, etc.)
New News (refer to the latest website from NCARB –
As a reminder, NCARB is implementing two updates to the Architect Registration Examination ® (ARE ®) that will go into effect on February 27, 2024: 1. All code-related items on the ARE will reference the latest International Code Council (ICC) family of codes and related standards, rather than the previous family of codes, please verify with NCARB for latest information. When necessary, NCARB will provide excerpts from the latest ICC family of codes as references on case studies. If you want a deeper explanation of the changes, watch the American Wood Council’s two-part video series: Part 1 | Part 2. 2. NCARB is retiring quantitative-fill-in-the-blank (QFIB) item types from the exam. NCARB strives to align with evolving testing best practices, which indicate that other item types used on the ARE assess candidates’ qualifications more effectively. As we advance, the exam will continue to include questions that require numerical responses—however, they will now be formatted as one of the exam’s other four item types rather than as quantitative-fill-in-the-blank questions. The format and scoring of the remaining item types will not change. The exam objectives covered by each division, as well as the tools and resources available to you during the exam, will otherwise remain the same. These changes will go into effect on February 27, 2024. NCARB will release an updated version of the ARE Guidelines and updated practice exams in February to reflect both the code reference and QFIB changes. How This Impacts You If you are testing between now and February 26, 2024, you should continue preparing for your ARE division as planned. If you are testing on or after February 27, be sure to prepare using the latest family of ICC codes and standards, rather than the previous version.
NCARB works regularly with our psychometricians and hundreds of volunteer Architects to ensure the Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) aligns with exam best practices and current architectural practice. As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the ARE, we are implementing two updates that will go into effect on February 27, 2024: 1. All code-related items on the ARE will reference the latest International Code Council (ICC) family of codes and related standards, rather than the previous family. When necessary, NCARB will provide excerpts from the latest ICC family of codes as references on case studies. You can view a summary of significant code changes from the previous IBC to IBC latest in the ICC I-Codes. If you want a deeper explanation of the changes, watch the American Wood Council’s two-part video series: Part 1 | Part 2. 2. NCARB is retiring quantitative-fill-in-the-blank (QFIB) item types from the exam. NCARB strives to align with evolving testing best practices, which indicate that other item types used on the ARE assess candidates’ qualifications more effectively. Going forward, the exam will continue to include questions that require numerical responses—however, they will now be formatted as one of the exam’s other four item types rather than as quantitative-fill-in-the-blank questions. The format and scoring of the remaining item types will not change. The exam objectives covered by each division, as well as the tools and resources available to you during the exam, will otherwise remain the same. These changes will go into effect on February 27, 2024. NCARB will release an updated version of the ARE Guidelines and updated practice exams in February to reflect both the code reference and QFIB changes. How This Impacts You If you are testing between now and February 26, 2024, you should continue preparing for your ARE division as planned. If you are testing on or after February 27, be sure to prepare using the 2021 family of ICC codes and standards, rather than the 2018 version. Subscribe Past Issues Translate RSS NCARB Live Webinar – December 19 Questions about how these changes will impact you? Join our experts for a live webinar on Tuesday, December 19 at 3 p.m. (ET). We’ll explain the changes and answer any questions you have. Register online. Update on Score Validity Policy Implementation In April, NCARB’s Board of Directors retired the rolling clock policy. At the time, 14 jurisdictions had a rolling clock-type requirement incorporated into their jurisdictional requirements. Since then, several jurisdictions have successfully removed their rolling clock requirement. NCARB is supporting the remaining six jurisdictions as they work to remove their rolling clock requirement. Most jurisdictions anticipate aligning with NCARB’s new score validity policy in early 2024. We will continue to notify impacted candidates as their jurisdictions make updates. Contact Us | Update Email Preferences |
Dear Michael,
To help you prepare for the launch of the Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) online proctoring option on December 14, 2020, NCARB’s exam team is responding to every question posed before, during, or after our recent live webinar.
Online Proctoring Q&A
We received over 200 different questions during our webinar. To make sure you have the answers you need, NCARB staff are creating video responses for the questions we didn’t get to during the webinar. The second group of video answers is now available now, with two more sets to come.
Visit our blog or YouTube channel to watch this round of Q&A videos covering the following topics: online proctoring launch timeline, online proctoring testing setup, what happens during your appointment, and questions about exam software and the demo exam.
In the next two groups of video answers, NCARB will cover exam accommodations, the new digital whiteboard, and the transition to PSI. To get an immediate notification when the remaining videos are ready, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel, and be on the lookout for additional emails next week. Plus, check out our playlist to catch up on the first set of NCARB Live response videos, including questions about the new break policy and updated exam timing.
Additional Exam Resources
NCARB previously announced that when online proctoring launches on December 14, several other important changes to exam navigation, timing, and tools will also go into effect. These changes impact all candidates, whether testing in-person or remotely. Make sure you’re ready by checking out our available resources, including the updated ARE 5.0 Guidelines and ARE 5.0 Handbook, as well as the new Guide to Online Proctoring and ARE 5.0.
Updated Webcam Requirements
In case you missed the recently updated announcement, candidates testing via online proctoring are required to have an external webcam to facilitate exam security and check-in procedures. NCARB understands that requiring an external webcam may create an additional expense for candidates. To help offset this, NCARB will provide all candidates who schedule their first online appointment a one-time $50 e-gift card. Learn more.
What to Expect
NCARB anticipates launching the new, full-length demonstration exam within the next few weeks. This new version extends the length of the practice exam, incorporates new features that will be implemented on December 14, and more fully simulates the breadth and depth of the exam experience. In particular, this update will feature the new digital whiteboard tool and additional changes aligning with the launch of online proctoring (such as the new break feature and navigation).
If you have questions, please contact us online or on the ARE 5.0 Community.
Dear Michael,
The online proctoring option for the Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) is expected to launch on December 14, 2020, along with several important changes to exam navigation, timing, and tools that will impact all candidates—whether testing in-person or remotely.
Online Proctoring Q&A
We recently held a live webinar to answer questions about online proctoring and the exam changes, and we received over 200 different questions. Now, our staff are answering all the questions we didn’t have the chance to answer during the webinar in a new video series—and part one is available now.
Visit our blog or YouTube channel to watch the first set of Q&A videos covering the following topics: the ARE in general; online proctoring basics, scheduling, and exam content; exam development, division changes, and case studies; and the new break policy.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll share additional videos covering questions about setting up for an online proctored appointment, what to expect on test day, the new digital whiteboard, technical/software concerns, accommodations, and more. Please be on the lookout for those posts as we work to provide the answers you need to prepare for online proctoring. For more information about online proctoring and what you can expect, watch the recording of our live webinar.
Online Proctoring Now Expected to Launch December 14
Earlier this week, NCARB announced that online proctoring and the related exam changes are now expected to launch December 14, 2020. This updated timeline enables NCARB to implement several enhancements that will lead to a higher quality online testing experience. Learn more about the new launch date and what this means for you.
Updated Webcam and Cable Requirements
NCARB has updated the webcam and cable/cord requirements for taking an online proctored exam. Candidates testing via online proctoring are now required to have an external webcam to facilitate a “cable-by-cable” assessment of their computer setup at part of their check in. You can find the new webcam specifications, as well as other requirements for online testing, in the updated ARE 5.0 Guidelines.
NCARB understands that requiring an external webcam may create an additional expense for candidates. To help offset this, NCARB will provide all candidates who schedule their first online appointment a one-time $50 e-gift card. Learn more.
What to Expect
NCARB anticipates launching the new, full-length demonstration exam no later than mid-November. This update will feature the new digital whiteboard tool and additional changes aligning with the launch of online proctoring (such as the new break feature and navigation).
If you have questions, please contact us online or on the ARE 5.0 Community.
Each Session includes Professor Boardway’s Booklet of Notes
Links below are based on – “0NE or ALL” sections of the Exam
ARE 5.0 Live In-Person Seminar Registration
ARE 5.0 – Live In-Person Seminar Schedules
Weekend Seminar Series
ARE – Live – Tele-Seminars – Schedule
ARE – Recorded Tele-Seminars
ARE – Visualizations
(3 Times a year instead of 2 times
a year – more money – let’s just prepare properly!)
Let’s get you through these exams “NOW” and on with life.
(In the past, candidates have always lost credit in transition)
As Exam Sections are reduced from 9 to 7 to 6, they become harder to pass!!
Washington, DC—The final Test Specification outlining the division structure for ARE 5.0—the next version of the Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) to determine the division structure, the test specification also defines the major content areas, called sections; the measurement objectives; and the percentage of content coverage, called weightings.
Finalized Division Structure
This ARE 5.0 division structure results from an effort to align the exam with the more commonly defined professional architect activities of practice management, project management, and project design. The six divisions of ARE 5.0 will include:
- Practice Management
- Project Management
- Programming & Analysis
- Project Planning & Design
- Project Development & Documentation
- Construction & Evaluation

Small Workshop
Typical Workshop (5 to 10 candidates only)
(ONLINE COMMENTS – anonymous comments from anonymous individuals!!!???)
Everybody has a different experience
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Live In-Person Seminars |
80% to 85% |
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65% to 70% |
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