“Structural Systems – 2 Day Tele-Class Workshop” Live & Recorded – ARE – NCARB Exam

P.O. Box 154         Blue Jay,  CA.           92317
O# (949) 208 – 2979      or      (909) 273 – 9513
Talk live if you have any questions (9 am – 5 pm – Pacific Time)
E-MAIL:  mboardway@mba-architectural.com
URL:  http://www.mba-architectural.com
Skype  Handle ID#
:  m.boardway


Architectural Services
Commercial, Residential, Institutional, Industrial, Hospitality,
Theme Parks,  Spiritual Centers,  Churches, etc.

Architectural Exams & Professional Services
Seminars, Workshops, Tele-Seminars, Tutoring, 
Materials,  Consultation, etc.

Architectural Energy Assessments
Walk through assessments & recommendations for savings of up to
1,000,000.00 or more  per year (Theme Parks, School Campus, Large Corporations)

(Professor Boardway assisted in organizing the California Energy Commission in 1978)


(Removing the Physical & Mental Blocks;  Exams, Profession, …)
MBA E-BOOKLET  INCLUDED (5 Candidates max allowed – hurry fills fast)
(After registration please e-mail or call MBA to confirm registration dates)
Any questions after sessions Professor Boardway is available – 12 months after registration
1  General Structures Wednesday 9am –    12pm 3/12/25,  5/14/25. 7/16/25, 9/17/25,  11/12/25
2  Earthquake-Seismic   “”” 1pm – 5pm “”””
3 Wind Forces Wednesday  9am – 12pm 3/19/25,  5/21/25,  7/23/25,  9/24/25,  11/19/25
4 More Examples   “”””” 1pm – 5pm “”””



Content Areas:

1. GENERAL STRUCTURES (38-42 percent of scored items)
2. EARTHQUAKE – SEISMIC FORCES (28-32 percent of scored items)
3. WIND FORCES (14-17 percent of scored items)
4. LATERAL FORCES (13-16 percent of scored items)


NOTE:  For the purposes of this examination and its preparation, the following design methods have been used:

1. For wood, the Allowable Stress Design Method
2. For steel, the Strength Design Method (Load and Resistance  Factor Design)
3. For concrete, Strength Design Method (Ultimate  Strength Design)


2-DAY “LIVE” TELE-CLASS WORKSHOP – Structural Systems – Includes MBA Booklet ($475.00)


2-DAY “RECORDED” TELE-CLASS WORKSHOP – Structural Systems – Recorded with MBA E-Booklet ($240.00)
